Friday, November 21, 2008

This is the finished bookmark. It is about 12 inches long. After I finished it, on the spool knitter, I decided to add another bead at the end of the bookmark.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Here is a bookmark that I am working on with a spool knitter that I happened to pick up, on the clearance rack at my local WalMart. If your local craft store doesn't have a spool knitter, I can send you a link to where you can order one.

Take a bead or charm, of your choice, and string it through the charm/bead. You'll see that I am working on 2 strands thread for this bookmark. Add a loom to your yarn and put over a peg. Put the charm inside the loom, e-wrap your thread around the pegs and continue working until you reach a desired length.

I'll be posting a picture of the bookmark, when I have it finished.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Since last posting, I have lost another 2 lbs. I've been doing a lot of walking.

But this week, I've been in a little bit of a funk and haven't got much done. I've had a few issue's that I need to deal with.

With this picture of a frog, I've got to remember to Fully Rely On God, to see me through each day.